Wrapping up 2018, a year of big changes
On January 16th I will depart for Seattle, where I will be working for Amazon Web Services starting on the 21st....
Lightning talks, and not…
Lightning talks seem scary, but are in fact one of the best ways to introduce yourself to public speaking in general. Once you can do...
Why do I have a BA in Computer Science?
The fact that I had a BA in computer science rather than a BS seemed to be a real stickler for the hiring manager....
AWS, AWS, and More AWS
It's been a summer of AWS for me....
To Optimize, or Not?
You should be forced to write efficient code and know how to do it in situations where it matters. You should also be able to...
Here’s some more bad dataviz
So, each of those numbers is approximatly 1/3 of the total, or so the slices of the pie would suggest?...
Low-level understanding matters
If you haven't figured out how to get the most out of what you already have, don't ask me for more RAM/disk/CPU or anything else....
The horrors of open source!
It's possible to simplify the "normal" things for normal users while still providing source code and repositories that allow us strange creatures to continue experimenting,...
SCaLE 16x Wrapup
I had a great time at SCaLE 16x the past four days. SCaLE was one of the first big conferences I went to when I...
SCaLE 16x Lightning Talk: “You’re a Failure! Now what?”
SCaLE is special and this worked well for the crowd there. There's a reason I wanted SCaLE to be the first conference where I gave...