Author: michaelgat

Anti-Patterns in tech costing

I recently gave another presentation for the Vancouver software development managers. Not my greatest, but I still like the idea and it needs to be...

My most important lesson

Our customers don’t come to us because we have the best technology, they come to us because we provide a better value....

Starting over

I’m feeling ready to write again, and I’ve set up this new environment to do it in....

Moving WordPress (2) – AWS setup

The AWS setup was the easy part. That should have been no surprise, as I've spent lots of time with AWS but very little time...

The Status of Status

Last week I presented some of my thoughts about status reporting to the Vancouver Software Development Managers. What do you think?...

In praise of simple tools

I write using Emacs and LaTeX. I'll grudgingly copy and paste to other formats because the organization demands it but I do better work with...