Anti-Patterns in Tech Cost Management: Can’t Attribute Costs
Attribution is one of the many spaces in cost management where you can either do it, or have it done to you. The former is...
Anti-Patterns in Tech Cost Management: Bad Cloud Strategy
It is likely that you are using a public cloud provider for something, unless your initials are "DHH." It's something you must have a strategy...
Anti-Patterns in Tech Cost Management: Not considering scale
The scale of your technical operations/budget places a hard limit on how much you can afford to spend on cost management. Any efforts you make...
Anti-Patterns in Tech Cost Management: Intro
Engineering is where science meets economics. In the tech world, this means that we as engineers are primarily concerned with using scientific and logical tools...
SCaLE 16x Wrapup
I had a great time at SCaLE 16x the past four days. SCaLE was one of the first big conferences I went to when I...
SCaLE 16x Lightning Talk: “You’re a Failure! Now what?”
SCaLE is special and this worked well for the crowd there. There's a reason I wanted SCaLE to be the first conference where I gave...
SCaLE 16x Open Data Presentation: not really happy
I got good feedback on the content if not the delivery, and some additional feedback about how to improve. So I think I'll rework it...
Promo for my SCaLE 16x talk
A promo video for my SCaLE 16x talk. This one features Mr. Spock and Flash the Linux Cat. As noted in my comments, pretty much...