Anti-Patterns in Tech Cost Management: Can’t Attribute Costs
Attribution is one of the many spaces in cost management where you can either do it, or have it done to you. The former is...
Anti-Patterns in Tech Cost Management: Bad Cloud Strategy
It is likely that you are using a public cloud provider for something, unless your initials are "DHH." It's something you must have a strategy...
Anti-Patterns in Tech Cost Management: Not considering scale
The scale of your technical operations/budget places a hard limit on how much you can afford to spend on cost management. Any efforts you make...
Anti-Patterns in Tech Cost Management: Intro
Engineering is where science meets economics. In the tech world, this means that we as engineers are primarily concerned with using scientific and logical tools...
To Optimize, or Not?
You should be forced to write efficient code and know how to do it in situations where it matters. You should also be able to...
SCaLE 16x Wrapup
I had a great time at SCaLE 16x the past four days. SCaLE was one of the first big conferences I went to when I...
SCaLE 16x Open Data Presentation: not really happy
I got good feedback on the content if not the delivery, and some additional feedback about how to improve. So I think I'll rework it...