Anti-Patterns in Tech Cost Management: Bonus! Don’t do rewards programs
I can come up with hundreds of ways to cut costs to generate a short term bonus for me while leaving the long-term impacts to...
Anti-Patterns in Tech Cost Management: “A tool will solve the problem!”
I'll lead with my bias: If you can't do something manually, no tool will help. It may, in some way, make you feel better....
Anti-Patterns in Tech Cost Management: Across the board cuts
This kind of across-the-board target highlights that the decision makers don't know where the costs/inefficiencies exist, or they don't care and can't be bothered to...
Anti-Patterns in Tech Cost Management: No ongoing reviews
No choices are forever. Every optimization degrades. Regular review of choices and utilization needs to happen both within and across teams....
Anti-Patterns in Tech Cost Management: Cost management as a standalone
Many in the cloud cost control/FinOps community have stories of "somebody" being hired to finally bring sanity to cost control efforts, but being made responsible...
Anti-Patterns in Tech Cost Management: Not designing it in
Most of us will work on projects that involve architectural change and/or complete re-architecture. This is an opportunity to address costs that should not be...
Anti-Patterns in Tech Cost Management: No/Bad Metrics
Managing costs is not possible if you don't have good costs metrics in place. The topic of how to create good cost metrics is worthy...
Anti-Patterns in Tech Cost Management: Can’t Attribute Costs
Attribution is one of the many spaces in cost management where you can either do it, or have it done to you. The former is...
Anti-Patterns in Tech Cost Management: Bad Cloud Strategy
It is likely that you are using a public cloud provider for something, unless your initials are "DHH." It's something you must have a strategy...
Anti-Patterns in Tech Cost Management: Not considering scale
The scale of your technical operations/budget places a hard limit on how much you can afford to spend on cost management. Any efforts you make...