Promo for my SCaLE 16x talk

A promo video for my SCaLE 16x talk. This one features Mr. Spock and Flash the Linux Cat. As noted in my comments, pretty much...

Back from ODSC

Just back from ODSC, which is my first major business travel since the somewhat abortive New Zealand trip....

New Zealand Again? Yes.

Technology and Project Management are universal languages and themes, but they express themselves differently in different environments, different economies and different cultures. Those different expressions...

Don’t believe the client

You have to disbelieve the client. When a mid-sized client tells you "this is the solution, when can we do it?" it's not the same...

Fantastic Use of Data

A bottom-up study of the potential economic impact of climate change shows how a large-scale data analysis should be done...

It’s not just a problem “over there.”

The American Red Cross is running computers with an obsolete and unsupported operating system, and using them to collect HIPAA protected personal health and other...