National Transportation Data Challenge @ JupyterCon
I was asked to join the team running the National Transportation Data Challenge, not as a data scientist, but as a project manager to help...
Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree — Part 3
I found TensorFlow initially confusing but then quite comfortable. It's odd how after programming in a language like Python for a while, it becomes confusing...
Fantastic Use of Data
A bottom-up study of the potential economic impact of climate change shows how a large-scale data analysis should be done...
It’s not just a problem “over there.”
The American Red Cross is running computers with an obsolete and unsupported operating system, and using them to collect HIPAA protected personal health and other...
My minimal TensorFlow / CUDA environment setup
I've been documenting my setups more carefully. Here's what I got for a minimal setup of a TensorFlow environment that works both for scripts and...
Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree – Part II
I left last week's PyData Meetup with more questions than answers. Questions like "why does that neural net I just wrote perform the way it...
Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree – Part I
There is little here that I could not learn on my own. But I find that it's useful to learn along with others, and the...